Wednesday 29 July 2009

God Willing - On Dishless Days [breaking world records]

Two short blasts of mangled electronics released last year, but still a few copies floating around it seems. This one starts out where many a rock band of my youth would have seen fit to end a gig, shrieks of feedback stabbing through scrabble-heavy distortion textures, sounding like a contact mic clattering about on the speaker cone it’s been sent to. The frantic scrabbling soon dies away leaving us with a solid wall of about 300 hertz which is given an extended workout – to continue the metaphor, the piezo is now offered towards the vibrating diaphragm, so that the slightest tickle disperses sandy particles of fuzz across the fundamental tone. The sandstorm gathers pace until the mic is cast again into the furnace. Side B is awash with similar textures, tones are minced and grated and given the occasional shock of a pressure hose. It’s definitely the attention to texture which works on this cassette, the aural equivalent to leaning in close to an analogue photograph to see the detail and instead starting to pick out the grain in the chemicals, becoming drawn into the patterns, until you lose sight of the image and just start to see flecks of gradated greys. Yum.

Breaking World Records

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