Monday 10 August 2009

Emaciator - Secondary [rare youth]

Another week, another Emaciator tape. I just never tire of hearing this guy’s work. This one appears on Geoff Mullen’s Rare Youth imprint and was recorded “in daylight” we are told. As you would expect from Borges (circa april 2008) both sides have a warm and cosy core, but neither maintains the happy healing vibes of, say, Treetops stuff, opting instead for the path of desolate surge and gradual accretion. Smooth sines are tempered with buzzing saws penduluming about one another, threatening to clash but always dipping and swinging alongside back into lulling balance.

Borges just lets seems to take his hands off the reins, letting his tones roll down a few circuit-alleys to see what grime they pick up on the way, which sounds as if I’m not crediting him with any compositional control or musicianship – not the case. The music here just seems to grow and shift of its own accord, rather than being pushed, pulled, tweaked and tinkered. There’s not an ounce of over-worked, brow-sweated material, everything’s kept simple and it all just glides, a real pleasure to listen to - it’s been around and around in the deck for the last week and I could happily go on playing it for another.

Rare Youth

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