Sunday 26 July 2009

Family Battle Snake - Arabian Knights [goaty tapes]

So, I thought this was two firsts for me, the first Family Battle Snake release and Goaty Tape I’d heard, and it is, except that I have seen Bill Kouligas (whose name adorns the inlay) play live as part of The 8 Hour Drone People event at Café Oto, put together by Skull Defekter Joachim Nordwall and Sound 323 shopkeeper Mark Wastell, so no wonder then that this tape contains two more slabs of drone.

The first side (actually I have no idea if it is actually the first) maintains a tonal float throughout, initially happily dotted with morse blips and drop-out-ish pops which would just about manage to keep this off the shelves of the local meditation cassette peddler. The synth timbres here do lean towards the cheesy however, particularly about two thirds of the way through when the drone is washed away by glistening electronic chimings underscored by wave-stroked shingle recalling the more depressing tail-end of a few Krautrock careers. Decidedly pretty stuff. The flipside is more rewarding, firing up with deeper throaty tones which regularly careen off up through the spectrum, certainly more Cluster than Schulz. This is joined by a wavering tone soaked in cathedral reverb, all of which eventually dissipates into descending blurts of laser blasts. Pleasant enough I guess, but far from riveting.

Goaty Tapes, also in stock here

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